1. Content ready to go
Create a folder on your computer with the images, descriptions, and files for your products. Don’t forget to write your shop's policies, terms, and returns. When you sell digital products, make it very clear on each page that all sales are final. You can also create a FAQ section to give shoppers more information about your shop. Make sure you cover all your basics so you can easily grab your content while you set everything up.

2. Create a product page in Showit
In your Showit template, you’ll find a product page that you can customize to fit your needs. Keep in mind to create a site canvas for information that’s the same on every product page. Otherwise, you need to edit this so many times when you want to make a change! Also, give your product page a good name, for instance: shop photography print sunflowers This way, the URL of the page will have SEO friendly keywords. And of course, don’t forget to check the page SEO settings in the tab on the right to add the page title, meta description, keywords, etc. If everything looks good, you can duplicate this page and create one for each of your products.

3. Create a shop page in Showit
Now you can customize the shop page, that you'll also find in your template, where you can list all your products and link every image and button to the specific product page. Now everything is linked and setup in Showit, all we need now is to create the Shopify Buy Button on each product page. Let's dive into Shopify...

4. Shopify Lite account
Create a Shopify Lite account, setup your account, payment methods, and add your products. I use the free Digital Downloads app on Shopify that delivers pdf files right upon checkout.

5. Create a Shopify Buy Button
Within your Shopify dashboard, click the ‘Buy Button’ on the left side under Sales Channels. If you don’t see this, please click the + and create it manually. Once you add the channel, click it and choose a product you want to add to your site. I recommend having the action ‘add product to cart’ for the button, but take a look around to decide what works best for you. Then choose your button style, fonts, and colors. When you are happy, select the ‘Generate code’ button and copy the entire code.

6. Add the Buy Button to your Showit website
Go to the product page and choose ‘Embed code’ at the bottom of your Showit dashboard, next to the icon 'Add text'. Now you see a black box appear. Please double click the box and paste the code from Shopify and click ‘Save’. Now you can resize the box and move it to where you want to place it. Don’t forget to check if the button also looks good on mobile.

7. Check it and repeat the steps
Now you can repeat this process for all your products, but be sure to check it along the way. You want to make sure everything is linked correctly.

8. Cart icon on every page
When you add a product to your basket and close the cart window, you'll see a square on the right of your screen appear with a cart icon. To make this square visible on every page of your website, you need to add a buy button (any will do) to your footer and make it invisible by placing the button on the outside of the canvas. Make it really small and hidden on both desktop and mobile. Now the code is active on every page and the cart icon is visible wherever people go on your site.

9. Navigation
The last step is to check the ‘shop’ button in your main navigation and maybe you'd like to create more links on your site? You can also duplicate the shop page and create a page where you only list products in a specific category.

10. Test
If you want to test if everything goes well, you can place a test order in Shopify, but I like to make a real purchase in my shop. For this, I temporarily changed the price of a product to 0,01 cents. This way, I go through the entire process once like a client would and I know exactly what they experience.

11. Support
There you have it! I hope this helps and if you need more support, please let me know. I am happy to help you. You can also check out these resources:

Sell with Showit and Shopify
Create a Buy Button
Deliver digital products

With all the worldly happenings, you might be brainstorming ideas for a digital side hustle. That’s very smart! Selling digital goods is fun, easy, and scalable, but maybe you wonder how you can make this happen with Showit. Well, I've got you! I created a shop layout for every website template in my shop. Whether you want to sell physical products, digital products, workshops, courses, events, etc., the process is just the same and I’ll walk you through it step by step.

Please note: If you are planning to sell a large number of products, it’s best to create an online shop separate from Showit and link your site to your e-commerce shop, which can be on Shopify or another e-commerce platform. This way, your product collection is easier and more efficient to manage. If you are planning on a small shop, say 20-30 products, it’s totally doable to create a shop right in Showit with Shopify as your payment software.

Showit + Shopify
I created my shop with the Shopify Buy Button and I love how easy and simple it is to setup because Shopify does all the heavy lifting for you. You'll need Shopify Lite to setup your account (products, payments, delivery, etc) and then create a Buy Button in Showit and you’re done.
Now of course, you need to learn some new stuff like how Shopify works, how you create the Buy Button and how you deliver your digital goods. I promise it’s not hard, but it’s good to put on your yoga pants, wrap your hair in a bun and carve out some time and grace to do this. And remember once you’ve setup it up, it’s set up forever. Then you can add new products with that wonderful button: duplicate.

Here we go…