
Straight out of business school, at the age of 23 I opened my dream fashion store. Little did I know I was in for a rollercoaster ride.

When things got really crazy I decided to interview female entrepreneurs and start a blog. I needed to remind myself that having a successful creative business is not only possible but super fun! There I went criss-cross through the Netherlands with my camera and questionnaire meeting so many creative women.

This lit me up and shaped me into the web designer and photographer I now am. I used this period in my business journey to pivot. I truly believe that there is not one thing you can do, there is not one dream guy, one dream job or one dream business. There is only one you and you are limitless when you set yourself free to take your time to learn, grow and listen to your heart. 

Today I am behind my computer creating websites and taking short breaks to play with my nephews, soak up the sun or cook the quinoa. Totally different from where I started but I believe that the process is the point. No matter how many detours, ups and downs. It's about you and me doing what we love and having a blast together!


follow the fun

company mantra

Diversity ensures every woman can authentically express herself and her vision.

I know that behind every website is a woman with a vision, a voice waiting to be heard. That's why I curate website templates specifically tailored for these women. And as my journey unfolds, I realize that by empowering you, I'm also empowering myself and fellow designers to reach new heights of success and fulfillment. 

I jump out of bed madly inspired to create a new website. I do a little happy dance when you buy my design. But why? Well, it’s because I know what it’s like to follow your heart and to stay true to your desires and talents. I know how it feels to be supported by people who may not understand my dreams but are fearlessly cheering me on. I know the best and worst of the freelance lifestyle and web design is my creative way to empower, support and inspire you in your business adventures. 

So when you find me here on the world wide web, you may find a website you love, you may buy it and then I may do a funny little dance. But know that you’ve also found a friend who gets you and who is rooting for you. Whenever you need help during your creative journey, I got you! 

It's not about creating and curating websites




Sporty leisure wear 


1000 names for joy - Byron Katie


We can do hard things - Glennon Doyle


Sukin Natural skincare 




2/4 emotional projector

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made with love